No Compromise.
Helping Clinics To Become HCPC Compliant.
About Us
We have the expertise and tools to help you achieve HCPC requirements
We concentrate on your “kitchen” and help you get a “5 star safety rating”. You concentrate on your patients giving you a “5 star treatment rating” in your “restaurant”
For ambitious private physio practice owners who are potentially missing out on revenue because of unconscious incompetence around compliance.
How We Can Help
We identify the key areas of non-compliance.
Providing everything from, a simple missing policy, to a comprehensive service audit. All measured against the HCPC and CSP standards and regulations.
This will give you peace of mind/assurance that your service is safe.
Our Services
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Referrals: Are We Using the Information We Have: Do We Have What We Need?
Referrals - What do you actually know and understand about your client list? How many people really self-refer to a clinician? How often do you hear “a friend recommended you”; “my GP mentioned you”; my neighbour has seen you”; “you treated a member of my family” ....
Have you thought about an audit of your clinic?
Have you ever audited your clinic against your professional body’s and your regulator’s standards ? Do you know that you comply? How robust are your processes? Do you care or are you happy to carry on and hope nothing goes wrong? Auditing a physiotherapy clinic helps...
Lone Working: Are We Doing It Safely?
A sobering starting thought but when you work alone, how safe do you think you are? How quickly would someone know if something happened to you? Are you aware of the HSE advice on lone working? 1 This month we share some thoughts and pointers to consider; helping...