Policies and Processes for HCPC and CSP Standards

Policies and Processes for HCPC and CSP Standards

Starting your private practice after a career in the NHS can feel like a significant transition. In the NHS, you’re used to clear governance frameworks and structured processes for complaints, safeguarding, risk management, incident reporting, and more....
Documentation: Are you robust?

Documentation: Are you robust?

Feel like you are walking through a minefield waiting to be tripped up now that more standards have changed?  A few tips this month on some aspects of documentation to support what you already do……. And some help if you don’t. “If it isn’t written down it didn’t...
Have you thought about an audit of your clinic?

Have you thought about an audit of your clinic?

Have you ever audited your clinic against your professional body’s and your regulator’s standards ? Do you know that you comply? How robust are your processes? Do you care or are you happy to carry on and hope nothing goes wrong? Auditing a physiotherapy clinic helps...
Lone Working: Are We Doing It Safely?

Lone Working: Are We Doing It Safely?

A sobering starting thought but when you work alone, how safe do you think you are? How quickly would someone know if something happened to you? Are you aware of the HSE advice on lone working? 1 This month we share some thoughts and pointers to consider; helping...